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3 Strategies to shift a negative situation at work

Header 3 Strategies to shift a negative situation at work

3 Strategies to use to shift a negative situation at work

There is nothing worse than the feeling of being stuck. Especially in a negative situation at work, and being unable to shift it.

Here are 3 Strategies to use and shift a negative situation at work. They are tried and tested (by me) form the broad room table to new projects with new people; they always offer a resolution or at the very least a way out.

If you find that these situations consistently arise at work; than I urge you to think carefully about your decision to remain in the status quo. Life is way too short to be compromised by other people’s stuff. It’s not your job to coach your colleagues or worse your boss through their issues.

So, use these 3 Strategies to shift a negative situation at work; but know they have a limit to how often you can leverage them. Especially in the same circumstances with the same people.

No 1 Acknowledgement

I see you; I hear you; – is sometimes all that people need to shift their mindset.

When we are stuck in a negative thought pattern, just knowing that our pain is acknowledged helps diffuse the sting and can bring us back to center.

In its extremity this is the strategy suicide negotiators use to talk people down from hurting themselves. ‘Come down off that ledge and tell me what’s going on.’

By calling it out directly, you will help bring awareness to what might be more habit than choice.  ‘Hey that’s a pretty negative way of seeing things’

No 2 Empathy

Empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
synonyms: compassion, sympathy, considerateness, tender-heartedness, kindness, sensitivity, insight, fellow feeling, decency, humanitarianism.  

“I want to understand how you feel—and why.”

Expressing empathy helps ease the burden felt by others without drawing you into the drama. The authentic gesture of ‘I feel you’ is a powerful cure to someone else perceived pain.

Understanding is separate to agreeing, feeling someone’s angst mean you need to align with them. It simply means you are connecting to their humanity through your own.

Prompts to us would be;

‘Explain why this is so hard for you?’

‘Sorry you’re feeling so down about this’

3 Strategies to shift a negative situation at work

No 3 Community

‘We are all in this together’ can offer solace to those who feel particularly vulnerable & help infuse optimism.

You are hard wired to seek community and connection. Sharing the frustration that someone may feel with the collective is powerful. And a way to to remind them of the support they could draw on.

We have all experienced pain, grief, regret, loss , hurt in some form or another. Drawing the suffering into community offers solace and peace to those most affected. It’s a subtle energetic healing which plays out.

Prompts to us would be;

‘This situation also offers us the opportunity to grow as a team as we figure out our way through it’

‘We have all been through what you are experiencing, we want you to know that we are here for you.’

‘Hey, we have your back, the group here is rooting for you’

Use these simple yet powerful mindset strategies when you need to shift a negative situation at work.

We always have the choice not to participate in negativity. Even better to create a positive direction for everyone instead.

What you feed – feeds you.

3 Strategies to shift a negative situation at work

If you have enjoyed reading this blog take a look at – 3 Action Steps to reduce Overwhelm on LinkedIn. for more mindset and action steps to move your career forward.

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  • I believe that we all deserve a career we #LOVE.
  • That #WORK is not meant to be a struggle.
  • I build compelling & triumphant career strategies for my clients.

My Career Strategy process will teach you how to think differently #MINDSET and take #ACTIONSTEPS to move you forward.

You will learn how to apply simple and straightforward strategies to #CREATE the results that you want in your #CAREER.

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  1. […] if you have enjoyed reading this blog take a look at – 3 Strategies to shift a negative situation at work. for more mindset and action steps to move your career […]

  2. […] if you have enjoyed reading this blog take a look at – 3-strategies-to-shift-a-negative-situation-at-work for more mindset and action steps to move your career […]

  3. […] if you have enjoyed reading this blog take a look at – 3 Strategies to shift a negative situation at work. for more mindset and action steps to move your career […]

  4. The mistakes I made in my career... by Licia Dewing on February 26, 2021 at 2:25 pm

    […] you have enjoyed reading this blog take a look at – 3 Strategies to shift a negative situation at work. for more mindset and action steps to move your career […]

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